Rafia sarhandi
Summary of Career
1. Planning weekly lessons.
2. Preparing teaching resources for interventions.
3. Assisting assistant to work widely with the students.
4. Attending team meetings.
5. Teaching and delivering quality lessons.
6. Focusing on visible learning and assesments.
7. Making strong bonds with customers and company.
8. Reporting line manager once the task is done.
9. Constructing creative ideas.
10. Making results of assesments and keeping the records.
Experience as Primary Teacher
GEMS Education
27 July 2013
27 July 2016
Bachelor 15 May 2009
Bachelor's of Arts. Majors. Education. Political science and economics.Master 15 May 2012
Master's in social sciences. Major: Women's studies. Research and thesis done.
Finance & Business Management Professional