'If you want it,you can get it"Not everything is impossible,to achieve anything you must know what to do and what not to do.I came here in December 2019 with high hopes,ambitions and energy.The day arrived was the easy day for me as a huge mammoth of challenges were ready to well come me.I was applied on numerous posts ,platforms,career portals and other way but there was no use of it.if somehow i was able to get the interview call i was simply rejected due to my Non UAE Experience Down and out of my energy.I came to Navafiz to seek guidance in hope against hope that i can get familiar with Any other way to tackle the hardles i have been facing.Only Allah knew that this was the way He wanted me to follow to get into the apportunity i want' i got the job though Navafiz Career Guidance.Frst of All Thankxs to Allah and our Beloved Mom and Dad & alsoThanks to the My Mentor "Eng Baber Ali " And Brother Engr Yasir Latif whole Navafiz team and all friends who supported me in securing a job at Panalphina Al Mahktoom Airport At POMA project As A Technical Engr,it is pertinent to mention special efforts of Navafiz team who helped me get the same motivation i had before coming here.My advice to all those who are coming here in search of job apportunity, they should be passionate, loyal and committed to their goal,they can get it if they want it,Keep praying to Allah Almighty, He will grant you in ways that you cannot even imagine.