Abdul Hannan Baig
Summary of Career
1. Prepare monthly individual management reports for each of the separate businesses in the group such as financial analysis, audit identifying control weaknesses, its risk implication & recommendations.
2. Review the independent companies Financial Statements.
3. Engagement planning based on the understanding of the entity and assessment of business and related audit risks.
4. Assisting clients in the preparation of financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework including compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), local corporate laws and directives of regulatory authorities.
5. Establishing a positive working environment by building solid relationships with team members, clients and other stakeholders.
6. Execution of statutory audits with the help of audit team, preparing key audit documentation/ work papers (leads, interoffice memos, audit documentation) for review by managers.
7. Inspecting accounting records and accounting systems to ensure compliance with applicable financial reporting framework/international financial reporting standards during statutory audits.
8. Liaison with client's management and communication of relevant matters to persons at an appropriate level of responsibility.
9. Establishing a positive working environment by building solid relationships with team members, clients and other stakeholders.
10. Execution of statutory audits with the help of audit team, preparing key audit documentation/ work papers (leads, interoffice memos, audit documentation) for review by managers.
Experience as Business Support Analyst
Septech Emirates LLC
29 September 2019
06 February 2020
Experience as Supervisory Senior
14 September 2015
31 May 2019
Experience as Senior Auditor
KPMG KPMG Lower Gulf
01 January 2019
31 May 2019
Other 09 June 2014
ACCA MemberBachelor 02 July 2010