Musawir Ahmed
Charted Accountant
Summary of Career
1. Monitoring of all the business Transactions in ERP Unit 4 Business World On.
2. Preparation of Daily Activity reports and Weekly extensive MIS Reports.
3. Overseeing the Flow of Cash and Financial instruments towards the entity and Preparing Bi-weekly Cash flow Projections
4. Maintaining the balance of payments with effective Working Capital Management.
5. Costing of Final products using Activity Based Costing procedures and Weighted AVCO methods
6. Implementing strong cost controls over all the projects going on and related cost centers according to the SOP’s of the Group
7. Submission of all types of tax returns to FTA, HMRC and Belastingdienst
8. Successful implementation of all the Cost control activities and keeping them within Budgeted Constraints.
9. Quick Adaptation of Unit 4, as a result of which I am the basic lead trainer for all the other new employees joining the company
10. Implementation of various Controls
Master 01 June 2015
ACCA memberMaster 01 June 2015
ACCA Member