Syed Tanveer

Android Developer

Profile Views 250

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Android Apps Development REST APi MVVM Architecture Android SDK
  • Experience
    1 Years
  • U.A.E Experience
  • Industry
    Information Technology
  • Nationality
  • Visa status
    Visit Visa in UAE
  • Qualification
    Bachelor - BS Software Engineering
  • Driving License: No
Other Matching Titles/Position
Industry Titles
Information Technology

Summary of Career

1. Having 1 year of experience in mobile apps development related to management, industrial purpose, computer vision, google maps, weather updates, and e-commerce.

2. Studied & Research on Face Matching Algorithms and coordination with team members and supervisors to develop a Searching Lost Children mobile app with integration of Python on Server Side.

3. Refactored a Social Surveys app and migrated to the Architecture components by using the Google Support Libraries and Jetpack Components while working with Panacea Solutions Pvt Ltd. Pakistan

4. Developed android native applications for local clients & working as a Freelancer, learnt new technologies and techniques to recognize that how to solve real life problems by using these technologies.

5. Experienced with remote data, JSON/REST API while working with Panacea Solutions Pvt Ltd. I migrated the social surveys app network requests from OkHttp library to the Retrofit 2.0 Library to increase the efficiency of the app.






Work Experience (Employment History)

Experience as Android Developer

  • Employer

    Panacea Solutions Pvt Ltd

  • From

    24 April 2018

  • To

    25 April 2019

  • Detail

Academic Qualification

Bachelor 01 August 2018

BS Software Engineering
Recommend Syed Tanveer
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