hira rashid
Web development / Design
Dubai, Muteena
Summary of Career
1. Collaborated with product and engineering team members to define and develop new product concepts.
2. Coordinated with QA testers for end-to-end unit testing and post-production testing.
3. Coded user-customizable applications that converted raw data from design engine to easily. Understandable graphical formats.
4. Collaborate with Web design and development team to create a new website for a tech startup, assisting with coding and beta testing.
5. Delegate objectives to team of coders to facilitate time frame and meet the common vision of the project.
6. Assist design team with coding to create a user-friendly interface that is compatible across every major operating system.
7. Manage user feedback and perform system checkups to ensure the functionality of the website.
8. Oversee team of three junior coders and two interns
9. Designed and developed GUI for applications and modules, using JavaScript
10. Created HTML email templates
Master 01 July 2012
Msc IT