Babar Nasim
Timergarah Dir Lower, Malakand Division
Summary of Career
1. Study of the impact of geological features on the tunnel alignment in the presence of active or inactive faults.
2. Analysis of the Geotechnical issues such as the soil or rock properties, the ground water regime, the ground cover over the tunnel.
3. To find the the type of rock for the mining design and making the cultivation mapping for the construction of tunnel..
4. Investigation of the ground water.
5. Investigation of the all type geological structures that may effect the construction of the project.
6. To investigate the water table position that is the prime fact for the construction.
7. To find all the slopes and its stability.
8. Performing and monitoring of the various tests in the material testing laboratory of at Koto Hydro power project..
9. Checking the rocks and surface for the suitability of concrete...
10. Monitoring of the process of grouting in the tunnel of Koto Hydro power project Dir lower KPK.
Matric 01 July 2011
Science. Got 783/1050 Marks..Intermediate 01 August 2013
Pre-Engineering got 801/1100 marks.Bachelor 01 December 2018
Geology..Got 3.67/4.00 CGPA overall.